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Friday, July 24, 2009

US Concern: International Space Station (ISS)

US should let ISS leased out to European or Russia or China to support its next R&D, besides giving the US less burden on currently ballooning deficit and to focus more on its own Economic Reformation and provide extra benefit on its controversial ongoing Health-Care System, which in last, provide Taxpayer a great relief...

The ISS total cost requires 30 years and $100 billion funding from the  Government should be given to other nation due to the on growing budget deficit and future space R&D program funding.

image Term such as “reverse outsourcing” would be appropriate for US now, giving its currently hot debated controversial Health Care system in major restructuring which could require cost of Trillions of dollar annually..

Regarding the unemployment rate,the opposition side should not pressuring the Obama team..They should unclench their fist and extend their hand to support and further assist in whatever section of interest that can stimulate and further strengthening the Economic Reform by the Obama Team..Continues criticizing isn’t helpful and will further weaken the Taxpayer belief on the economic rebounce..

They Republican should be patience,unemployment agenda shouldn't be used as reason to threaten Obama’s plan and sudden drop in unemployment rate won’t happen suddenly, ‘even flame needs time to engulf the entire forest!’ So just a significant rallied of Wall Street and overall market performance during these few days wont excites any differences , besides major corporation still wary and doubtful considering the unstable and uncertain overall market performance around the US and major nation..

All they can do is to be supportive and trust that the Obama team generous ambitious goal will eventually fruitful and that is when US will rise again as a New Dragon conquering the world economy!

I think Dragon suites more to US and China as Asia’s Lion given its tremendous Huge amount of foreign exchange reserve, a whopping  $2.132 trillion..So if the US or World economic want to rise again,i think they need China assistance as main pillar to support and moving on..

Maybe it would be much easier if US able to attract China to “invest” in US, that would be different way in tackling things…Well, Hope US and Obama will succeed!!

View the next US concern…chao

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