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Friday, September 21, 2012

Unwired Planet to sue Apple & Google over 20 patent

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) and Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) have been duking out matters over patent rights in court for quite awhile, now it seems that one company wants to take them both to court.

Unwired Planet, which is sometimes referred to as Openwave, is filing a lawsuit against both companies over twenty different patents.  They filed complaints through the US District Court for the District of Nevada to protect their intellectual property or IP licensing business. They’re accusing both companies of infringing over the following areas, “smart mobile devices, cloud computing, digital content stores, push notification technologies, and location-based services, such as mapping and advertising.”

Interestingly enough, Unwired Planet accuses Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) more specifically of infringing on their mobile devices, digital content systems, cloud messaging systems, as well as map and location systems. This includes many of Apple’s products and services like the iPad, iPhone, and core iOS framework.

It’s also reported that Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) infringed with AdWords, Google Wallet, advertising, and mobile search.

For now, there is no telling if this lawsuit is from legitimate concerns, or a chance to potentially profit from the two leading tech companies.

Unwired Planet was once branded a Openwave, until last April, when they sold their software products business to the investment firm Marlin Equity Partners. They did this so they could put more focus on intellectual property.

This news is still relatively recent, and it’s still too early to try to guess what could happen.  At this rate, anything could happen. Apple and Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) could end up owing a little money or a lot of money.  The case could also be thrown out before anything happens. It’s interesting to see that someone is suing Apple and Google for the same thing Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has been accusing Google and Android phone maker, Samsung, of over the last few months. Will this have any affect on the current case

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